Galibert)Īlphie – The Electronic Robot (patent) – 06857: (btoads.cpp) 34010 & 34020: Cheats not working in btoads and other games (O. – 06847: (hh_tms1k.cpp) bankshot: Missing leftmost column (hap)

– 06845: (sms.cpp) gamegear : Corrupt tiles on first in-game textbox, corrupt audio when loading save (Tafoid) – 06831: (compucolor.cpp) compclr2: AddressSanitizer: FPE with -flop asndware (Firewave) – 06825: (gng.cpp) diamond: Missing Level Start Music (AJR) – 06817: (naomi.cpp) mushi2k4: Runtime error: index out of bounds (MetalliC) – 06816: AddressSanitizer: alloc/dealloc mismatch when closing DIP switch menu (Firewave) – 06811: Memory leak in m6809 CPU core (AJR) – 06810: Memory leak in m6502 CPU cores (AJR) – 06806: Bitmap overlays don’t display with bgfx video output – 06804: (midyunit.cpp) strkforc: Black screen after ROM check (sjy96525) – 06799: (dynax.cpp) hjingi: Emulation hang (AJR) – 06791: (splash.cpp) splash and clones: Wrong sprite priority on bonus items (AJR) – 06710: (snes.cpp) snes : On the “blackhawk” cartridge ROM, the game didn’t start (Angelo Salese) – 06623: Full Screen Brightness/Contrast/Gamma settings not working anymore (smf) – 06548: (namcos21.cpp) winrun, winrun91, winrungp: Assert when starting emulation (Vas Crabb) – 06282: (snes.cpp) snes : Black Screen (Angelo Salese)

– 05632: (nwk-tr.c) racingj2, racingj2j: Crash shortly after OK – 03790: (ms32.cpp) gratia, gratiaa: Unhandled priority type f8 (Angelo Salese)
– 02076: (playch10.cpp) playch10 ALL: Playchoice-10 driver needs LEDs added for single-screen BIOS (Vas Crabb) What’s new in MAME: (Download link below) MAME currently emulates several thousand different classic arcade video games from the late 1970s through the modern era. When used in conjunction with images of the original arcade game’s ROM and disk data, MAME attempts to reproduce that game as faithfully as possible on a more modern general-purpose computer. If you don’t know what MAME is, MAME stands for Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator. Take a look at the list of changes below! The MAME Dev Team released another full version of the emulator today! This version comes with a ton of bugfixes and improved emulation on a number of arcade games.